School Goals-Interim

I am proud of our Interim 2 results. Our overall proficiency increased in both math and ELA in comparison to Interim 1. Congratulations team!

As Interim 2 is now complete, I encourage you to work closely with your team to prepare and plan for the final push to M-STEP. This is a critical time to use this data with all students, but especially our “bubble” students. You identify bubble students by looking to see which group of students scored a 2.5 on each individual standard. I encourage you to go over common errors on Interim 2 standards/questions with your students and work with small groups to correct misconceptions and tailor homework to practice relevant skills.

Here’s a quick look at our ELA and Math Interim 2 results in comparison to Interim 1. I will be sharing science and social studies results next week.


2020-21 School Calendar

You voted that we continue to take a “day off” in October and the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. The admin team values and appreciates your feedback!
I will be providing you with our finalized School Calendar once NHA and our Board approve it. Currently, our August PD is August 24-28. Our first day of school is September 8 and our last day of school is June 18

Parent Portal-Attendance

Please see below for the changes to the Parent Portal regarding attendance. This went into effect on Monday, February 24.  

Shout Outs

Brian, Nicolle, Andria, Teri, Sheila, Ellen, Jena, Andrea, Sarah M, Jeanie, Cindy Conti, Jen D, Kari, Laura, Melanie, Tricia, Mandy, Kim B, Stephanie, Jen H, Ashley, Deb, and Sloane for my Target gift card and shirt. Thank you for all the love that you showed me during Admin Appreciation Week.

Jamie, Robyn, and Stacey for all the gifts that you got me everyday this week. I loved the card, flowers, snacks, lunch, but most of all…my green tea from Starbucks EVERYDAY!

Jen, Ashley, Deb and Stephanie for my Nordstrom gift card. I cannot wait to shop this weekend.

Sarah, Jen, Kadria, and Shannon for lunch during our SpEd meeting. Thank you for spoiling me and finding something that I could eat despite all my CRAZY restrictions.

Andria and Melanie for my cards.

Nicole, Lindsay, and Christina for my poster and flowers. 

Nicolle for making sure I am ready for Dr. Seuss day. I cannot wait to twin with you.

Sarah D for your invaluable assistance with Chromebook inventory.

Social Committee for planning February Friends and our potluck.

Jena for the countless hours you spent doing grant inventory.    
Kayla for your assistance and investigation skills pertaining to 5th grade drama.

Tracy for once again investigating a student behavior prior to coming to admin.

Andria for making our amazing NSYNC sign.  

Stacey and Robyn for helping me with clean-up after our principal meeting.  

Jamie for getting conference sign-up sent out to our families.  
Jen D for everything that you have done with Reading Month.

Jill for looking after the well-being of one of your students.

Brian, Emma, Kelly, and Sarah D for facilitating Wellness Day games.

Brian for organizing Wellness Day! The students had a lot of fun.  

This Week

Monday, March 2:
   ·    Perfect Attendance Assembly
   ·    Dress as Dr. Seuss Character for FREE

Tuesday, March 3:
   ·    Purple Club

Wednesday, March 4:
   ·    PTO Meeting
   ·    Dress as your Favorite Musician for $1

Thursday, March 5:
   ·    Perfect Attendance Reward

Friday, March 6:
   ·    Andrea's Birthday
   ·    Trimester 2 School Store
   ·    Trimester 2 Ends
   ·    All Grades Entered
   ·    Pay Day Breakfast-Specials

Happy Birthday

Andrea: March 6

There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in March.

2020-21 School Calendar Input

We need your input for our 2020-21 school calendar. Since Labor starts later next school year, it requires us to be in school until the third week of June. Please complete the survey below to determine our last day of school for the 2020-21 school year. If you have any questions, please see me

Perfect Attendance Attire

The perfect attendance attire results are in and you voted for “free dress.” I will be informing parents that students may wear free dress as long as it’s school appropriate. Please be mindful that students are not allowed to wear leggings. When wearing jeans remember no rips or tears and all shirts must have sleeves.

Shout Outs

Tully for organizing a book club for middle school students. I appreciate how you are giving up some of your personal time to interact with our students in a fun and positive way.  

Jamie and Robyn for ensuring everything ran smoothly in your absence.

Sarah M and Robyn for rearranging your testing location TWICE because of me. I can’t thank you enough!   

Sarah D for being someone I can count on. I appreciate you allowing us to store items in your space and going on an adventure with me to the gym to see about our audio system.

Jill, Julianne, Sloane, Andria, Nicole, and Samantha for doing an amazing job communicating Reading Month information.

Stephanie for helping me prepare for the principals’ visit.   
Sheila, Samantha, Megan, and Samantha for ensuring our incoming Kindergarteners are prepared.  

Nicolle for handling a difficult parent meeting with care.
Emma, Cindy Conti, Stefanie, and Tully for promoting our school positively through social media.  

Stefanie for working A LOT of hours this week to ensure our enrollment needs are met. You are outstanding!  

Mandy and Sheila for tutoring kindergartners after school to meet their academic needs.

Ashley for being a dismissal duty chameleon. You are always willing to jump in and help whenever and wherever during dismissal.

Stephanie for getting our seizure bags all set. Thank you for making student safety a priority! 

Perfect Attendance

Congratulations to Ms. Jordan’s class on having 7 more days of perfect attendance and spelling the word “present.”

Please continue to keep me informed when your homeroom spells a word.

This Week

Monday, February 24:
   ·    Wellness Day
   ·    Ashley’s Birthday
   ·    Stefanie’s Birthday
   ·    Reading Month Kickoff Assembly
   ·    Administration Appreciation Week (Deans & Principal)

Tuesday, February 25:
   ·    PLC Meeting
   ·    Lisa's B-Day

Thursday, February 27:
   ·    STEM Night 5:30-7:30 PM

Friday, February 28:
   ·    Specials SOM Assembly
   ·    Spirit Day

Saturday, February 29:
   ·    Sarah Z’s Birthday

Happy Birthday

Ashley: February 24
Stefanie: February 24
Lisa: February 25
Sarah Z: February 29

Important Dates

Please view the right side of the blog for important dates in 

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!  

Perfect Attendance Attire

The admin team promised to put more things in email, instead of discussing them at meetings. I did "announce" this at the meeting, but I am saving us time (work-life balance) by having the voting done here. 

Hey, we gotta start somewhere. LOL. So, please vote below.

Professionalism in the Workplace

It’s that time of year, when NHA asks all employees to review professionalism in the workplace. As we continue to create a safe environment for the students we serve, please review the information in the PowerPoint below.

Staff Room

Please remember to clean up after yourself in the staff room. This includes spills on the tables and in the microwave. I’m noticing that there are a lot of coffee stains and spills that NO ONE is cleaning up. Please do NOT put dishes in the sink, even if you have the mindset that you will wash it later. You will need to wash it before you leave the staff room. Thank you for keeping our work environment nice for everyone to enjoy!

Shout Outs

Keystone staff for your quick response in keeping our school day going smoothly during a student emergency.

Jamie for working to get the February calendar filled out. 

Stacey for always providing the team with the admin observation schedule.   

Stephanie for holding down the fort by yourself for three days.  

Tabitha for all your work with ensure that our classrooms have technology.  

Sarah D for always being willing to help with last minute request.

Reading Month Committee for planning some new and exciting events for March.

Jill and Nicole for the wonderful and creative decorations around the school. They look great!

Perfect Attendance

Congratulations to Miss Franson’s class on having 7 more days of perfect attendance and spelling the word “present.”

Please continue to keep me informed when your homeroom spells a word.

This Week

Monday, February 17:
   ·    No School-Presidents’ Day

Wednesday, February 19:
   ·    Cindy Chuang’s Birthday

Thursday, February 20:
   ·    Lindsay’s Birthday

Friday, February 21:
   ·    6-8 SOM Assembly
   ·    Pay Day Breakfast-Special Education

Happy Birthday

Cindy Chuang: February 19
Lindsay: February 20


We begin administering interim assessments next week.

Acc. Math
Social Studies
Feb 11-12
Feb 18-19
Feb 10-11
Feb 17-18
Feb 19-20
Feb 12-13
Feb 18-19
Feb 10-12
Feb 13-14
Feb 20-21
Feb 18-19
Feb 13-14
Feb 26-27
Feb 24-25
Feb 12-13
Feb 14
Feb 18-19
Feb 19
Feb 13
Feb 11-12
Feb 11-12
Feb 18
Feb 12
Feb 19

All interim assessments need to be scanned in by February 21, except for 6th grade Science and Social Studies, who received an extension. All Interims must be submitted in gradebook. Please make sure that you are creating a testing environment for students to put forth their best effort. Our school goal focuses on increasing our proficiency on Interims.

School Goal:
To increase the number of students proficient on Interims 1 and 2 by 5% from the 2018-19 school year in both ELA (55% and 57%) and math (48% and 51%) through personalized instruction (workshop).

I look forward to at least 5% or more of our students becoming proficient than last year.