Shout Outs

Keystone Staff for all the amazing things that the admin team has observed in your classroom.

Keystone Staff for answering the call of baggies!

Jamie for dealing with A LOT of parent meetings with a positive attitude.  

Michelle, Stacey, Nicole, Julianne, Ashley, Sarah Z., Cindy Chuang, and Diane for attending parent meetings and having important conversations.  

Stacey, Jen D., and Sarah Z. for staying afterschool to determine how we can streamline our intervention and SpEd process. I appreciate how much you care for ALL our students.    
Cindy Chuang and Sloane for taking a group of middle schoolers to support families in need.  
Melissa and Stacey for your continuation with sorting out all things WIDA!

Jamie, Robyn, and Sarah D. for handling NWEA make-ups like a champ!

Stephanie D. for consistently looking for was to be financially responsibility.  

Jen D. for going above and beyond to retrieve important student documents from another school.

Jen H. for reaching out to a school to gather important data.

Liz, Audrey, Jen H. Robyn, and Melanie for coming together and having an important discussion during a parent meeting.

Sarah D. for calling and trying to figure out our Raptor problem.

Jena for covering a classroom at the last minute. Thank you for always being flexible and willing!

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