Shout Outs

Keystone Staff for your participation, engagement, and enthusiasm during August PD. I’m always proud to be a part of the Keystone team!  
Stacey for presenting intervention information to our staff. You have prepared our teachers the skillset to provide personalized instruction to our students.
Ashley G. for presenting about anxiety. Your knowledge and resources will benefit ALL our students!
Liz for presenting sensory information to the staff. You were able to provide us with valuable resources to support our students.
Jill for presenting the “why” and “how” to our staff about our school goal. Your presentation has set our school up for a successful year.
Sarah D. for presenting all things tech. Thank you for rolling out a lot of new initiatives so efficiently.      
Jen H. for taking care of our staff t-shirts.
Jen H. and Deb for organizing and distributing ice cream during the Ice Cream Social.
Jen H. for explaining our new ABSS process. This will allow you to provide services and support to a lot more students.
Stephanie for ALL the things that you have done the past month to make sure that our August PD went smoothly.
Ashley H. for taking on the task of class schedules with a smile and positive attitude during difficulties. 
Deb, Tabitha, and Gary for making our school beautiful! I walk around our school with pride.
Deb and Tabitha you went above and beyond to help me with the staff and parent room. I love how you would jump in without me asking.
Jamie, Robyn, and Cari thank you for EVERYTHING!!! I don’t have the words to describe how grateful I am for each of you. You are the best deans ever! You put in an indescribable number of hours, ideas, patience, and hard work preparing for this upcoming school year during the summer. This school year will be great because of your contributions.
Sloane for presenting ELA content to the middle school teachers. Thank you for leading excellence!
Andria for presenting math AND ELA content to the elementary teachers. I appreciate how dedicated you are to the success of Keystone’s students. 
Teri and Nicole for presenting the new ELA content to your colleagues. Your commitment to our school is obvious because you didn’t even let long distance deter you!
Jill and Teri for working together to create a yearlong writing scope and sequence for the 3-5 teachers. The clear expectations and consistency will allow us to meet rigorous expectations. 

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