This Week

Monday, June 10:
   ·    Students Purchase School Store Items
   ·    Letters to Next Year Students Due
   ·    July Postcards Due
   ·    Teachers May Begin to Take Down Rooms

Tuesday, June 11:
   ·    Staff Meeting at Twisted Rooster

Wednesday, June 12:
   ·    Students Redeem School Store Purchases
   ·    Step Up Day at 8:30
   ·    Certificates due to Jorvonna and Deans

Thursday, June 13:
   ·    Sandy’s birthday
   ·    Board Meeting at 5:00
   ·    Lunch in Classrooms

Friday, June 14:
   ·    Last Day of School-1/2 Day
   ·    Honor’s Assembly
   ·    Report Cards Sent Home
   ·    Teacher End of the Year Procedures Forms Due to Dean prior to leaving for the summer

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