School Goal-Attendance

I appreciate everyone who is actively communicating with families regarding our schoolwide attendance goal. Thank you for including Taylor, our Attendance Liaison, on those communications. Did you know that Taylor has only been in her position since November 11? In that short amount of time, she has written 65 Attendance Correction Action Plans (A-CAPs). That’s A LOT!  

A-CAPs are written whenever a student has been deemed “chronically absent.” Chronically absent is defined as missing 10% or more days at any point in the school year. Currently, we have been in school for 79 days, so any student who has missed 7 or more days is considered chronically absent.

We are starting to see some improvements now that parents are being held accountable, but we need your assistance to make greater traction.

When you are “cc’d” on an A-CAP email, please pay attention to the number of days that your student can miss before a mandatory meeting with me is required (see image below).

If your student has exceeded those days--contact Taylor. This will ensure that we decrease the number of students who suffer the academic consequence of lost instructional time, which typically results in them falling behind academically. 

New 5-8 ABSS

I am excited to announce that Kim Jackson will be our new ABSS for grades 5-8. In her current paraprofessional position, she has successfully worked alongside middle school teachers to support student behavior and academics. She will utilize those same skills and strategies as she transitions into her new role on January 6. Please make sure you congratulate her when you see her.

Board Gift


There is a date change! Our wonderful Board will be providing the staff with a gift and lunch on Friday, January 17.



Robyn, Stacey Reed, and Alex for facilitating 12 Days of fun for staff. Thank you for researching ideas, creating flyers/directions, spending personal time shopping for items, and so much more. Our staff is blessed to have you ladies!    

Kim J for covering a middle school classroom while the teacher supported a behavior phone call.   

Stacey Reed and Robyn for providing me with breakfast on two separate days. I just love that breakfast burrito. It just makes my entire day (not just the morning) better!

Amy for assisting me at our team PLC. I appreciate you reading the goal and action steps along with taking great notes. You are truly appreciated.  

Monique, Danielle, and Falak for not only bringing tangible resources, but also audio. Your classroom instruction has improved the instructional practices of your colleagues which will benefit almost 250 students. You have made a positive impact.  

Stefanie, Gary, Deb, Taylor, Stephanie, Stacey Ramirez, and Jen H for always making me feel special with your thoughtfulness. I loved my Christmas gift and will be utilizing it during our family holiday trip.

Jen D for my gift of relaxation and calm. I live vicariously through you. I’m appreciative that I get to benefit from your various hobbies and interests.

Alex, Robyn, and Stacey Reed for getting a girl everything that she could ever want. I love how you embrace my crazy “non-toxic” lifestyle. You spoil me rotten!

Steve for making sure I don't work too hard. 

Amanda for always thinking of me during the holiday season. I cannot wait to use your gift at my happy place! The other gift is all gone. I utilized that right away. LOL. 

Jen S for my gift of goodies. Thank you for making my day sweeter.  

Cayla for using your gifts and talents to make my home smell amazing. I am so grateful.

Monique for giving me a gift with options. I cannot wait to explore the different stores. Thanks for always thinking of me every Christmas. 

Sandy for substitute teaching. We are so grateful that you are a team player willing to do whatever it takes for students and staff. 

Robyn M for my delicious lunch. This unexpected surprise was exactly what I needed to end this LONG week! 

This Week

Monday, January 6:

    ·     School Resumes

    ·     Payday Breakfast-Office Staff

Tuesday, January 7:

    ·     SLT Meeting

    ·     Danielle’s Birthday

Wednesday, January 8:

    ·     Perfect Attendance Reward

Thursday, January 9:

    ·     Morning Assembly Presentation Due (MLK Day)-Thomas

    ·     Purple Club

Friday, January 10:

    ·     Payday Breakfast-SE

·     Y5-8 ORF Benchmark 2 (January 10-16) 

Happy Birthday


John: December 28

Emma: December 30

Mandy: January 3

Danielle: January 7

There is a special gift in the mailboxes of all the people who celebrate their birthdays in January.

Important Dates


January 13: Dress Down & Hat $1 each

January 14: Staff Meeting

January 14: Staff Meeting Snacks-Kinder

January 14: Jane’s Birthday

January 14: Kathleen’s Birthday

January 16: 30 Hour PD

January 16: EL Learning Night

January 16: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Civil Rights Day)-Shroff  

January 17: Progress Reports

January 17: GL Intervention Meetings

January 20-24: K-2 Math Numeracy 2

January 20-24: 3-8 ELA & Math Interim 2

January 20-24: Science Interim 2 (3-5 & 7) 

January 20: No School-MLK Day

January 24: Payday Breakfast-1st Grade

January 27: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Black History Month-What and Why?)-Baker

January 27-31: Science Interim 2 (6&8)

January 28: PLC Meeting

January 29: Half-day

January 31: Social Media Post Due-4th Grade

January 31: Spirit Day $1.00


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!