ABCDE Goals-Interim 1

As we approach our Interim 2 testing window, I wanted to congratulate our team for increasing proficiency on Interim 1 in comparison to last year. We increased by 4% in ELA and 6% in math. WOW!

This is first time in two years, that we have seen an increase in our overall proficiency scores when comparing Interim 1 from year to year. I look forward to following this trend with Interim 2 as we strengthen our response to data process that includes analyzing student work.

ABCDE Goal-Behavior

We have 124 more Level 2 behavior incidents entered (YTD) in comparison to last year. That is A LOT. When looking at the school year as a whole, we did see a decrease in November and December. Great job!

However, in January, we already have 98 behavior incidents entered into the system and we have only been in school for 8 days this month.

Please reflect on how you respond to student behavior. Are you automatically entering a write-up as soon as a student demonstrates misbehavior OR are you trying to understand the antecedent to the behavior and using this as a learning opportunity?

Sadly, our Level 2 write ups are no longer effective because we are issuing them excessively. This makes me think-- is this truly a student problem or does the teacher need classroom management support? In the upcoming weeks, during your O3, deans will review the number of behavior write ups you have entered, so we can determine what supports are needed for the students and the teacher.

Congratulations to Y5s, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grade for having a decrease in behavior incidents (YTD). 

*Gray Bars (2023-24 SY)            *Blue Bars (2024-25 SY)

Peer Observations


The leadership team is offering our final round of peer observations this school year. You have the opportunity to observe your colleague through this formal process, however, teachers are free to set up additional observation times to take place during open times in their schedule.

To participate in the final round of peer observations, please follow the steps below.

Step 1: Set goals for desired areas of growth with your dean.

Step 2: Request a peer observation by filling out the required Google Form before Friday, January 24. The observations will take place during the months of February and March.

Step 3: The leadership team will set up a 30-45 minute observation based on teacher request and send calendar invites.  

Step 4: Teacher will complete this Professional Development Peer Observation form and return to your dean the day after the observation takes place.

Step 5: Debrief with your dean during the following O3 and discuss next steps. 

By doing peer observations, it provides valuable opportunities for reflection, gives insight into teaching practices, mutual professional development, and quality improvement in teaching and learning. Peer observations are not required but provided as an additional way to support teacher growth and development. 

Black History Month


In preparation for Black History Month, I want to remind you of our expectations. Each homeroom needs to do an activity each week in honor of Black History Month. Please make sure to focus on the accomplishments and achievements of African Americans, instead of the difficulties that were/are endured. We would like to reserve those topics (slavery, Civil Rights Movements, etc.) for 5th and 8th grade where there are standards and resources to support the accuracy and sensitivity that is required to teach these topics. 

Furthermore, I want to encourage you to go beyond African American athletics, actors, musicians, and those whom students are already familiar with (MLK, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, etc.). Instead introduce students to scientists, lawyers, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc. that will broaden their knowledge of the contributions made by so many other African Americans.

Lastly, please invite me into your classroom when you are doing these activities so I can take pictures and include it in the Sunday night phone cast and on our social media pages.

Core Values-BWC

One of our Core Values is Behave With Care. We set a goal of entering one positive behavior per student every trimester. We are half-way through Trimester 2, and I hope that you have provided at least half of your students with a positive behavior in MyNHA. The purpose of this initiative is to support a positive classroom culture, decrease attrition, and strength communication between home and school.

This can only be done if the positive behaviors are genuine. If you try to enter all the behaviors in the last week of the trimester, it takes away from the authenticity. If you haven’t started, I strongly encourage you to start on Monday.

I am truly grateful for each staff member that goes above our expectations of 1 per trimester. It makes my heart happy! 

Schoolwide Goal-Attendance


Congratulations to Ms. Patton’s class for spelling the word, PRESENT!



Lisa for always being willing to help with dress down funds. I appreciate you.   

Jen H for meeting with a parent to discuss their attendance concerns and deescalating the situation.

Andria and Cindy for providing me with valuable data with a short turnaround.     

Stacey Ramirez for creating the ultimate dress down pass so quickly.     

Stacey Ramirez for your commitment to figuring out a printing issue. Thank you for working diligently on our New Student Punch Card.

Valyn, Morgan, Amy, and Stacey Reed for presenting at the staff meeting. Thank you for providing valuable insight and best practices.  

Cindy for providing an alternative Google Review script. Thank you for sharing a best practice.  

Jane, Cindy, Andria, and Ellen for once again progress monitoring 7th grade in your continuous efforts to support a colleague and the leadership team.

Ellen for all the communication you had arranging author visits and the book fair. I appreciate your dealing with difficulty, gracefully.

Jen D, Stacey Reed, Valyn, Kathleen, Cayla, Cindy, Andria, Laurie, Jen S, Mandy, Jane, and Monique for attending and supporting our EL night. Thank you for spending an evening with our families.  

Jen D for organizing a learning night for our EL families. I love your commitment to our families. You do so much for them.   

This Week


Monday, January 20:

    ·     No School-MLK Day

Tuesday, January 21:

    ·     Morning Assembly

    ·     K-2 Math Numeracy 2 (January 21-24)

    ·     3-8 ELA & Math Interim 2 (January 21-24)

    ·     3-5 & 7 Science Interim 2 (January 21-24)

Friday, January 24:

   ·     Payday Breakfast-1st Grade

Important Dates


January 27: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Black History Month-What and Why?)-Baker

January 27-31: Science Interim 2 (6&8)

January 28: PLC Meeting

January 29: Half-day

January 31: Social Media Post Due-4th Grade

January 31: Spirit Day $1.00

January 31: Staff Party 5:00 PM


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!