ABCDE Goals-Interim 2 Results

You did it again! We continued our trend of increasing proficiency on interims. I want to congratulate our team AGAIN for increasing our overall proficiency on Interim 2 in comparison to last year. We increased by 2% in ELA and 1% in math.

It's exciting to see that we had an increase in both content areas for interim 1 AND 2. We are headed in the right trajectory of accomplishing one of our school goals to “Improve ELA M-STEP scores by 3% from 61% in the 2023-24 SY to 64% in the 2024-25 SY.”

Welcome Back


I wanted to inform you that Sydney Brown (7th Grade ELA) will not returning to Keystone due to ongoing medical issues that she sustained during a car accident in November. She is prioritizing her health. We wish her well!

We are currently looking for a 7th grade ELA teacher. If know someone, please let me know. In the interim, we would like to welcome back Audrey Munson. She will begin teaching our 7th graders virtually on Tuesday. Audrey taught 7th grade ELA and math for us last year. She is part of NHA's virtual teaching program for the past 3 years. Her role is to temporarily fill vacant classrooms. She is familiar with the NHA curriculum and is a certified teacher. We will still have a substitute teacher in the room to support the students and help manage behaviors. 

School Policy-Birthday Celebrations


We have noticed an increase in students bringing pizza and other food items in recognition of their birthdays. Basically, they are having a full birthday party at school. This does not align with our school policy regarding birthday celebrations (see below).

When families reach out to you inquiring about birthdays, please make sure you are informing them that all birthday celebrations must occur during the last 15 minutes of the day—not during lunch or instructional time. That short period of time only allows for something simple that can be passed out and consumed quickly. It’s important that we uphold our school policies consistently to avoid miscommunications and conflicts amongst siblings. 

Staff Meetings


Starting at 3:45, please go to the staff lounge to sign in, pick up documents, and grab some snacks. Our staff meeting will begin promptly at 4:00 pm in the technology room.

Please click here for the agenda.


Sandy for my unexpected gift. It means a lot that you thought of me.

Robyn for spending hours with me preparing for our hearing.

Stacey Ramirez for all the prep work that you did in advance to ensure we had a successful count day.

Stephanie for going above and beyond to make sure our board was appreciated.

Robyn, Mark, Amanda, and Diane for attending the middle school dance. Thank you for not only attended, but participating and dancing with the students too!  

Jen D for all your work with WIDA. Thank you for everything that you have done to properly prepare our students.

Amanda and Ellen for responding to the blog, even without an incentive. I loved reading your positive affirmations. 

Diane and Amanda for another successful school fundraiser. I cannot convey my appreciation enough for everything you do that allows staff and students to exemplify our moral focus virtues.

Nikki for your words of affirmation that continue to be a highlight of my day.

Steve and Cindy for staying late and provide valuable feedback regarding a difficult decision.

Lynne and Emily for taking the time to provide your feedback in your absence.

Robyn and Stacey Reed for the all the behind scene work that you have and continue to do to support a student and schoolwide decisions.  

Rachel B, Stacey Reed and Stacey Ramirez for my Valentine’s Day treats. Thanks for making me feel loved. 

This Week


Monday, February 17:

    ·      No School-Presidents’ Day

Tuesday, February 18:

    ·      Staff Meeting

    ·      Staff Meeting Snacks-7th Grade

Thursday, February 20:

    ·      National Comfy Day for Staff

    ·      Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Women’s History Month-what and why?)-Laurinec

Friday, February 21:

    ·      Payday Breakfast-1st Grade

    ·      Wellness Day

    ·      PTO Family Fun Night-Middle School Skating 3:30-6:30 PM

·      Change Bulletin Boards

Important Dates


February 24: Stefanie’s Birthday

February 24: Reading Month Spirit Day

February 24-28: Principal & Deans Appreciation Week

February 25: Lisa’s Birthday

February 25: PLC Meetings

February 26: 3rd-4th Grade Spelling Bee

February 26: All Grades Entered

February 27 Family Learning Night-Board Game Bonanza

February 28: Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna-5th Grade  

February 28: Jessica S’s Birthday

February 28: Spirit Day

February 28: End of Tri 2- Report Cards Printed

February 28: Tri 2 School Store

February 28: PTO Family Fun Night: K-5 Skating 3:30-6:30 PM


*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!