I appreciate everyone who is actively communicating with families regarding our schoolwide attendance goal. Thank you for including Taylor, our Attendance Liaison, on those communications. Did you know that Taylor has only been in her position since November 11? In that short amount of time, she has written 65 Attendance Correction Action Plans (A-CAPs). That’s A LOT!
A-CAPs are written whenever a
student has been deemed “chronically absent.” Chronically absent is defined as
missing 10% or more days at any point in the school year. Currently, we
have been in school for 79 days, so any student who has missed 7 or more days
is considered chronically absent.
We are starting to see some
improvements now that parents are being held accountable, but we need your assistance to make greater traction.
When you are “cc’d” on an A-CAP
email, please pay attention to the number of days that your student can miss
before a mandatory meeting with me is required (see image below).
If your student has exceeded those days--contact Taylor. This will ensure that we decrease the number of students who suffer
the academic consequence of lost instructional time, which typically results in
them falling behind academically.