1/2 Day PD


Two years later and the leadership team is still upholding our promise to you. We are providing you with an hour and half of additional planning time during our ½ day PD on Wednesday.

You will spend the first hour and a half going through Phase 2 & 3 of the assessment cycle with your team and dean. The second hour and a half you can prep/plan at your discretion. However, all staff must remain in the building until 3:15 PM.  We hope the additional 6 hours of prep that our half days provide reaffirm that “you matter!”

School Visits

I am a mentor to 5 NHA principals. Two of them will be visiting our school this Tuesday (10/15) and the others will be here on Tuesday, October 22. They will spend the day shadowing me. I’ve bragged so much about our school culture that they are looking forward to observing Keystone in action.

Staff Meetings


Starting at 3:45 on Tuesday, please go to the staff lounge to sign in, pick up documents, and grab some snacks. Our staff meeting will begin promptly at 4:00 pm in the technology room. Only salary staff are required to attend. 

You may click HERE for the agenda.

Staff Playlist


Thank you to Amanda, Cindy, Jen S, Steve, Mandy, Teri, Ellen, and Jen D for completing this survey and sharing your favorite song. 

I will be selecting one for this upcoming staff meeting.

ABCDE Goal-Attendance


Congratulations to Mrs. Kaminski’s class for spelling the word, HERE!



Stacey Reed for organizing a schedule and hosting our Director of Special Education.  

Stephanie for always jumping in to relay my messages to Mr. Gary.       

Stacey Ramirez for your creative abilities and talent.  

Jwain for staying at work to assist when we needed you.

Andria for sharing another great best practice idea that you observed. I love how you continue to highlight the great things that your colleagues do.  

Jen H for taking on even more responsibilities. You are truly someone I know I can count on.

Gloria for going above and beyond to make connections with our students.

Amanda, Cindy, Jen S, Steve, Mandy, Teri, Ellen, and Jen D for sharing your favorite song.

Crystal for covering a classroom during your lunch while I dealt with a student behavior.  

Diane for your commitment to breast cancer awareness. I am in awe that you were able to find a partnership that tripled our donation.

Amanda for still having a smile even when dealing with difficult student behavior.

Robyn for being a sub for 2 ½ days in addition to maintaining your responsibilities as a dean.

Sandy for offering your assistance with cleaning. Thank you for always asking me if there is anything that you can do to help.

Stacey Ramirez for always taking initiative to “see a need, fill a need.” You are greatly appreciated.

Andria for assisting with dismissal at the last minute. I greatly appreciate your team mindset.

Stacey Reed for subbing in a class while still trying to do your role as a dean.

This Week


Monday, October 14:

    ·      Stick Together-Dress Like a Twin for $1.00

    ·      Morning Assembly Presentation Due (Anti-Bullying Month)-Patton

Tuesday, October 15:

    ·      Courtney’s Birthday

    ·      Staff Meeting Snacks-5th Grade

    ·      Staff Meeting

    ·      Year 2 Principal Visit

Wednesday, October 16:

    ·      ½ Day (Staff PD)-Dismissal at 11:20 AM

Thursday, October 17:

    ·      Family Learning Night 5:30 PM

Friday, October 18:

    ·      IAT Meetings

    ·      Trunk or Treat 5:30-7:30

    ·      Payday Friday Breakfast-8th Grade

Happy Birthday


Courtney: October 15

Important Dates


October 21: Robyn P’s Birthday

October 22: PLC (Team) Meeting

October 22: Picture Re-takes

October 24: 30 Hour PD

October 24: Morning Assembly Presentation Due (American Indian Heritage Month)-M. Higgins

October 25: Parent-Student Compact Due

October 25: Spirit Day

October 25: Kim J’s Birthday

October 25: Middle School Dance 4-6 PM

October 28-November 1: Warm Detroit Coat Drive (NJHS)

October 28-November 1: 3-8 ELA & Math Interim 1

October 28-November 1: 3-8 Science Interim 1 (Grades 3-4, 6-8)

October 31: 1st Grade Social Media Post Due to Jorvonna

*If you have an event to add or something has been forgotten, please let me know!